A little creative mix of genres...

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  • this is soo... my genre

  • wow

  • Against*

  • Thanks much, i need some dub sounds if you are not гagain, and it wanr hurts you i will put in mine dub - feat bassdnmx

  • Republished

    If you remix this or use things from it to make something else, please let me know, it's just interesting to see what people do with my stuff :)

  • make it remixable and put on my wall if you do pls

  • I know hardstyle is 150BPM, but moombah is 110. It's an experimental little hybrid I did :) Ok, guess I'll just keep trying things out. But it would help me SO much if you just let me know if you use multiple synths!? Saves SOOO much experimentation... Btw, you're not just good with synths, your harmonies are great too, it's a good melody!

  • Hay man tis sounds awesome but theres one huge problem ->The rythem of your kicks is too slow! Actually it's not hardstyle... + your hardstyle kick doesn't have to be selfmade i didn't do that either. You can find them awesome kicks in the sample library.. You asked for that synth? Mess around with some synthezisers and effects, you'll get it! Remember: Hardstyle rythem is 150 bpm!