excellent aural sedative

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0 thanks Tornsage
0 excellent excellent !!
0 Thanks Divus
when i first read that i thought you said chipolata :)
I couldnt understand why, i must need glasses or i need to increase the font size!
0 dehihi bring the win...epic win :)
0 Thanks Potasmic and Andre :-)
@dabrig its more like BTW (bring the wine) at my age :-)
0 BTF !!!
0 cool drones!
0 i agree with cripta this track is not noob`ish
0 oh you are not a noob....you are just not a dj...if i could djing with audiotool...I'd do it... who knows...maybe in future :)
0 Ahh , I'm a but of a noob, I only use audiotool. I tried fruity loops, took too long to do anything and was far too complicated so I gave up
0 ah ok...well... when you app or down the bpm inside the app....all sounds will keep tonality and lenght....so probably is sounds good..
instead if you are mixing with cdj..or a program...and you up or down bpm of the mp3.... u will hear a big difference...all sounds will be scretched....
unless you have a keylock!
0 Thanks for the fav dabrig
0 I just hit the remix and upped it to 124.
0 great really enjoying this