wow @rxnvy you liked this? this is an oldie XD

Well, here it is! I kinda jumbled a bunch of stuff together but this track stands as a staple to future tracks to come!
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1 Pretty fuckin sick.
1 Interesting remix. I think I still like my original though. I think that adding the wobbles took away from the lead a bit in this case. But it's definitely worthy of the admiration you're getting from it! Great job man!
1 Love it :D
0 Can somebody with a sub tell me how the sub bass sounds on this? I havent got a chance to check yet
0 Aww thank you , @Driven You're too kind :3 We can totally collab on a track together!
1 You have become the inspiration for my next song
1 You wanna colaborate on a track together, I bet you together... We could
Make some pretty crazy stuff
If your up for it let me know
1 ...dude...
This feel is great, and that drop... Wheeeeew amazing... This song just went to my favorite audio tool track
Great job
0 Thanks everyone! Please tell your friends and share it if you think it's good enough :3
1 I love it. Great track bro ^_^
1 whoa... deja-vu.
I like it, it's a nice little garden of sounds :J
0 haha X3
0 Why thank you good sir
1 those are some F5 worthy wubbbbbbsssss