Using only smaples and editing here

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  • Hey like I told Oscar; I wanted it to be repetitive. In the beginning, there is a club-like atmosphere, but the samples seem to be comical and potentially serve as a build up, but then the isolated, melancholy sound comes into play, making the laughing sample seem hurtful instead of playful. and then I slowly take parts away, making it seem sadder with an out of tune violin, making the laughing at the end seem monstrous. What are your thoughts?

  • great work, AH :)

  • yes indeed very cool !!

  • cool :)

  • It feels just a bit repetitive to me.

    But it still sounds good.

    the drums sound great, especially around the 0:50 mark.

  • Thanks man. It's a simple track but you got exactly what I was going for.

  • This is a great mix man - love that strings that comes in at around 1:25 .. really like the atmosphere also - dark. out of a whole selection of samples, it seems that the dark ones pop out to you, same here.. i guess we all have our own sort of dark personality :/