Here it is, after many days of trial, error, experimentation and thought, i give you the first song of my only-to-exist-here-in-audiotool EP titled "The Sunbeam Experiment"
The EP is ambient techno directed or at least im trying to get it as close to ambient techno as i can...which i have no idea how much since my knowledge of ambient techno if sketchy at best. That doesn't stop me from trying to make it happen... this is the first song to whici i dedicated more time than any of the others and is also the longest one i have made at the moment.
What i love about AT is unearthing music i really love, so sorry its took so long to check out your stuff. * embarrassed face*
This was way down your list of tracks and is old now, but i think its fecking brilliant. I like long drawn out tracks like this, perfect for getting out of the shower on a sunny day and looking out of the window, amazed at life, while getting dressed to go to the pub (thats when i listen to stuff like this)
Great build. The only advice I would give you would be to be a little more experimental with freq changes on the 303 and to use the Machiniste instead of the 909. Although the 909 is very simple, It's very limiting as far as your drum samples. I also really like the added perc at
. Also maybe add some compression to give it more of a techno feel. Nice track though :)