
Please could someone mix this for me?
Cheers guys :)
This was quite hard tbh XD just check the setup.
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0 -
0 XD
0 sunlex i see u
0 Inspired by renegade actually @LEX
0 ^.^
0 luxior-ish and 3 much synthonix awesomness
0 Mostly at 0:23 it shows, but other than that, great work
0 At 0:20 when the screech comes in, lessen it a bit because it screeches too much :P hue
0 Lots of work needed, decent start though
0 i really like that ending! c:
0 2 minutes and 37 seconds is all ya need kek
2 ayyyy motionless has the same length XD
2 Jesus fuck. Mixing this would be an absolute nightmare.
0 dat comment to listen and fave ratio
0 lel