Some minimal dnb if that's a thing..two synths and a a few effects..little bit of automation.

I'm aware it's's meant to be.

Feedback welcomed.

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  • good track :)

  • hahaha came along with you sexy accent and people started taking your flyers..then shakey started to do his "Go ooonn..YEEEAAAAAHHH!!" thing and got famous..leaving me with my "come to my party..techno party" :P

    plus, out of the four of us..I'm the only one without an A-records deal of some kind ;) hahaha

  • eheh yes compares to me and shakey you was absolutely the best... well hope to see you at next party :)

  • I was awesome!!! Handed out loads the first day..shame those girls at the resteraunt the first night didn't come..would have been fun to see you and Olondro chatting them up ;)

  • you are welcome even if you are not a good flyers distributor ehiehiihi remember that day ?? ahaha i had fun

  • cheers dude!!

  • i'm not good to you can open it and see what i wanted to say

    then i will delete :)

  • i'm re-shaping....ten minutes fun :)

  • Republished

    Eqing and mixing edits..should be able to hear the drums now?


  • taking oput the high synth loses the I'll publish as is..and do a couple of remixes maybe to try and work out what I can do to stop the synth war :P

  • hahaha cheers tott, I had just noticed (and publishing to fix) the drum volume, and also some eqing too.

    really loathe to delete a synth..I'll give it a whirl, see which one works best

  • Now I'll start to be a pain in the ass ;)

  • those drums are almost unhearable. Sharpen and louden them up. Also the synths seem to fight.... Not good. Pick one melody and stay with it. It feels like you can delete one synth...(the higher pitched one ;) Bass needs more bass and reverb.