You and arche both come up with some of the most creative sounds that I've heard. When I want to know something about how things work I always come to you two.
Oh wow, I missed this one for sure. I love this intro. Once again you're a master of sounds. My sincere advice to you though is this, learn to cut back some. Use your creative talents and keep making these great sounds but focus a little more on the song. There are some moments in this track that are great and then there are other parts that, while cool sounds, don't fit into any pattern with the other parts. In my opinion, if you can learn to balance things and reduce the sounds in a song that you'll be one of the best around here. There are about 3 or for songs mixed into this one. Make the 3 or 4 songs mate. I think the final results and the response will be more than top 20 because you're very good. You just need a real song.