At long last, my days of making music solely as a hobby are over. I'm now stepping into the Video Game industry to compose music for games, something I've always wanted to do. Unfortunately, I'm going to need to seriously prioritize this over everything else in order to really grow my career, so you may not see me posting my usual music here regularly anymore, but you WILL see me credited in at least one game in the future, that is a guarantee. I'll still be using Audiotool to make some game music, but for the most part, I'll be using Ableton and FL Studio to make stuff. I still want to make a song here that I put my absolute ALL into, but that may take a very long time. Nevertheless, I'll find a way to make everything work. As for Astral Aurora, I'll keep building up my own funds and I'll do everything I can to prepare for the development of the game, but you won't be seeing it very soon, not until the plans are concrete. Also, I do have some experience making music for games already, for example: Arcus and 3 other songs of mine were made for 2 small studios, whose respective games are still in development.


I even have a website now:


If you know of any game developers or studios who you'd think I'd be a great fit to work with, I'd really appreciate it if you recommend me to them or show them my website. It'd be a huuuge help since I'm currently looking for work :)


Jetdarc's Signature Chiptune - A music pack I made for video games


0:00 01_Inverse Depths [5/4]

1:01 02_Heart and Sun [7/8]

2:02 03_Dominant Force [9/8]

3:03 04_Advent Conquest [10/4]

4:04 05_Heart and Moon [5/8]

5:05 06_Mauve Star [7/4]

6:06 07_Mother’s Feel [9/4]

7:12 08_Against a Sheared Soul [7/8]

8:12 09_Flying Colors [5/4]

9:14 10_Soul Solaire [5/8]

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  • me casually listening to this 10 minute track forgetting each section is something different, I LOVE THIS SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO S OS OSO SO SO SOSOSOSOSOSOSO SOSO OSO much :> (I also chuckled a little at the snapshot. Creative lol)

  • zelda vibes right here...

  • 9:50 this chord progression got me F*CKED up right now holy hecc man!!!!!!!!!!!

  • game music i believe requires true mastery of not only sound design but arrangement -- and you clearly are a master of a both

    mans this is so awesome

    literal stuff I'd hear on a gameboy game growing up its absolutely wild

    you on some toby fox type sht dude

  • h o l y s h t congrats man i am super late but im looking at yr website now and its official!!!! wishing you the best in yr endeavours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • :o

    im so fucking happy for you man this makes me smile a huge goofy smile :D

  • congrats man! super happy for you. defo deserve it.

  • yeah uh! letss goooo!!!

  • Time flies by whether you do something or not! Keep it simple.. and let's fucking go!

  • gl!!

  • Look at this overwhelming positive support!

  • lmao i love the jedarc logo made out of AudioTracks. mans a fuckin genius

    seriously though, suuuper proud of you my guy, it's so heartwarming to see your career grow in such a wholesome way. i will always support you. :)

  • great news, good luck and have fun man :)

  • This is a new chapter in your life dude.

    I wish you all the best and I hope it all goes well for you.

    get em' jet :)