First i found some interesting metal's samples... then i found the merle's drums and riff and finally i found a voice...

I know that audiotool is essentially an electronic music place, but sometimes is cool to break the limits !! and it reminds when i was younger !!

Cover by Sephiroth-art (deviant art)

Vocals by...... surprise :-) !!

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  • Ive actually been working on a project that is essentially metal and rock AT.

  • Awesome track, man.


  • ~ Metal party rock XD

  • Hehe....... actually it can be cool ...... and I like the idea of ​​introducing some metal here !! just need to buy a decent recording system before ;-)

  • i'm dreaming a rock/metal collab between you and @Merle

  • No one expect's the Spanish Inquisition!

  • Thanks m8s !


    . \….\……….. /…./



    …./… I….I..(¯¯¯`\



    …\…..` ¯..¯ ´…….’


    …..lo o o o o ol

    …..lo o o o o ol

    …..lo o o o o o|

  • Monster track!

  • ooooooooo yesssssss !!!! more metal !!!!

  • Metal on Audiotool :D:D XD

  • Potente............... :)

  • fuck yeah! this is cool, i love metal

  • yep...... a really really old crappy recording and a reminder of the days of my youth... :)

    When i could yelled over people, broke my voice, while I don't give a f*ck :o)

  • Yeah!! Is that you yelling Seal? ;)) You rock!!!! \m/ Now Audiotool, jump outside the box and feature this! hehheehe. ;))) !