I don't know why people hate on infythusion's piano samples...they are high quality samples and with a bit of time and patience you can truly create something unique and magical,,
Enjoy my doodling...some more to come. Feel free to open up and study if you please,
Exactly. All I was really going for lol, I wasn't expecting this to be perfect in any way due to the limitations. If I wanted it to be perfect I would have whipped out my keyboard and did a piano improv like my A.N.N.I.E album and done it that way. Boredom struck and thus this was created. Thank you for your insight and love :)
I apologize for this guys lol. I see a lot of you do not like this, but hey, I had a hell of a time making it. Plus the satisfaction I got for writing out this melody in one sitting, free handedly (hence improv) I am happy with this.
No need to apologize, this is a lovely piece. The melodies are beautiful and the fact that you took the time to make it like this makes it even better :)
This is mainly venting and attempting something out of the ordinary here. I typically create my piano pieces in ableton using my piano vst but I started this melody a while ago so I figured I should finish it ;P
I typically use a midi controller (hence the annie album) but for this I just wanted to use infy's samples, since people like to disregard them and call them trash