Adult Swim, would prolly take it, You never know right?
But, anyway, I took a couple of hints from Offbeatninja123], He was the real inspiration, Besides Flying Lotus, I love how this is turning out for me.
Bump after bump, they are becoming better n' better.
So, tell me what you think?
Also, Jambam gave me some Pointers on eq'ing.
Cripta told me to take off that fucking limiter, and I heard ever sound better.
Infy told me that nothing should clip.
Offbeatninja123] told me to be experimental, so I'll know how good it will be when he hears it.
Solace told me to do my best and stick with it.
And My best buddy ever Neirin said, "It'll all come together".
I tried giving it that old radio feel, Like 1950s , then turned Jazzy Hip hop.
-Thanks Audiotool.
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0 -
1 killed this, damn!
0 awesome
0 this is like watching megan fox
0 This tracks awesome as well dude!!! :D
0 Thanks guys, ShoKK, I actually just heard one his tracks on youtube a day ago.
The one about Puppies or some shit!, lol he is good.
0 damn man,
you are getting real good
0 have you heard of Thriftworks? he makes amazing bass music and this beat reminded me of some of his stuff! great track! check out Thriftworks too, hes not on AT though
0 super lofi! i like! also seems like you got rid of your compression madness! i like as well and i bet the kickdrum is also grateful! :)
0 I thought they were, but oh well.
Paolo, my stuff will never end of on the popular list.
Just, a simple thing I've learn to accept. :)
0 ?? they do
0 try to make sure the drums fit in with the samples :l
0 popullar
0 Ahhhhhh yissssssss
0 Thanks man!.