Alright, here's the remix comp now for celebrating 200 followers AND the 2nd album "Level UP!!!".



1. Click on this link and listen to the album: Level UP!!!

2. Choose your favorite song from the album!

3. Congrats, that's the song you'll remix for this competition!



1. Must be AT LEAST 2:00 long.

2. Must have a part of the original song that can be easily heard somewhere in the track.

3. No copying the original or else...

4. Post the remix in the comments below!

5. Have it done by 12/21/21. (Yep. Extended Time!)



Depending on how many people participate... 1st-5th will have their remix featured in the deluxe version of this album!

6th-8th will have their remix posted on my socials! (If you want lol)

Anyone else shall get a free follow AND a free collab.

If you've already done both then I'll leave it up to you to decide what you want. :)


Have fun and thank you for 200 followers!!!

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