So,another fun story: at some point in 2023 i was searching work in the roblox sphere,leasing my music services for incredibly cheap (15 robux,what a deal!)

after the whole sussy rats fiasco i tried making new music for the roblox sphere,and these guys where like "yo,wanna make music and sfx for us?" and im like,yeah sure,what genre?


I was shocked,never had composed cyberpunk-esque tracks in my life,yet,despite all,i wanted to help these guys,theyre game looked super promising and it would have made my name well known in the industry,you get-cha what im saying?

So,i get hard at work and whip out this and the guys are....not really impressed.

this was back in 2023,sadly,the game never came out due to one of the team members leaving,and what a shame,it looked great!

R.I.P Corporate Vendetta :(

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