Ive been away for quite awhile now so i put this little number together for one of my fav shows growing up (shout out to @[offbeatninja] for the insperation as well). I know i still have some work to do on this one, but for now... Bow before the prince of all saiyans! The mighty Vegeta!!!! >:D

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  • lol-Ur funny @ATHeat but if he was real he would make everybody bow before him...no questions asked ;P

  • I bow only to kings. Oh, and war lords, and the occasional golf club to the knee cap, but apart from that, NO MAN. I love the track. Thanks for sharing, you know me too well.

  • I added u and messaged u????

  • unless ur at work now, sorry i only just saw this an hour after u wrote this

  • yes thats cool, we can make 1 now

  • Thanks Ichi!!! I knows theres more I could do to it but im fine with it as is I guess for now-lol Also I want to make that collab page w/ u so is it cool if we do it 2day b4 I go into work bro??? :D

  • loving the DBZ samples, tracks bassass like vegeta

  • lmao-Ur funny man, you really know how to party!!! ;P

  • 9000 !!!!! XD

  • wow thanks a lot @tornsage that really means a lot to me that you would say that my friend!!! <333

  • great person and artist - refav !!

  • Thanks man, same to you! And thanks for the fav as well sir!!! :]

  • Good woork,bro.

    Happy new year.