Thanks man, Im sry I didn't see ur comment until just now tho :/

Another example of how given the right amount of power, machines will one day aid in ending the world of humans.
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0 -
0 Good mix. I have to agree with the heavy bass at the end. Awesome.
0 wow thanks guys, that means alot to me!!! Exspecially the tits!-lmao jk :P
0 This one is fucking tits! Love it
0 Awesome! I love when the heavy drums kick in near the end
0 awesome story line! + it sounds awesome!
0 Thank u ssagg!!! :D
0 very nice.
0 Thanks man!
0 Coool beats
0 Thanks 4 another fav @Dis_pLAy , im tryin to make btr stuff now so i would love feed back if u have the time 2???
0 Thanks Frost!!! :)
0 nice track :D
0 Thanks, even tho its only alittle bit over 2 mintues this song has prob taken me the longest 2 make out of some of my recent tracks posted latey-lmao But im lovin the feed back sir, keep it coming cuz i wana improve as much as i can!!! :D
0 I really like the atmosphere you make in your tracks. The samples are really well done! Nice work