I couldn't do anything anymore on this track, the shockwave/flash thimg makes it undoable to build this one out, and it's only just the intro...

S0, an intro it is! hope you enjoy anyways!!!

thnx for listening to me

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  • Bella mi piace!! Molto!! :)

  • This is really good bro very nice work here man!!!!!

  • Great work!! Really cool, cool vibe Peter,er, I mean Walter, uh, I mean AudioArchitect :)

  • BTF (your work is nice too.)

  • just build in part and make a video whit it and post that somewhere else ...wish you will finish it :) sound good ...

  • Wow... Very, very good sound! has a nice swing ...

  • oke... thanx uprising, i will try that, and i am using chrome, so i will switch that although i had no problems in the past, but i use a lot of effects and synths these days, i will try out your advice, thanks my friend!

  • "Go look where it says Plug in folder"

    This should be in your processes in the task manager

    Note Google chrome may be unstable it has proven unstable for this app for me in the past try using Mozilla if you are not already

  • Here is a suggestion that may help you Build on to your tracks more

    check it out go to your task manager and Shut down any unnecessary processes then If you are using Mozilla Fire fox Go look where it says Plug in folder and Right click it

  • .. then click on priority and switch it to hi.. there is another way to get a lot of power from your pc as well By simply turning off any Re verbs that you have on the table. They eat a lot of CPU and i mean a LOT so shutting them off until you publish will help a ton..

  • also Try bouncing your drums or some of your simple sounds into audio tracks.. Audio tracks do not take much space and is a good way to make room for more layers of a track. I do all this on a regular basis and is the only way i can create some of the tracks that i create due to the complex nature of my style.. I hope this helps you

  • Very nice plucks Very nice man i like it

  • nice melody intro :)

  • very cool! and synth sounds so well,good job man!

  • Cool ambiance.... I like this, really.