thd isa rrlyy giid!
i will b statrng a seris of snongs taht ech r the eleemnts. first thre will b hyrogn, ten heluim an rthe rets of tehm.
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thd isa rrlyy giid!
yes i do hva VErY stucky keborad, i ll hav to get a nwe one..
it's an interesting thing to listen to;
your keyboard seems to have some sticky keys or something lol
thank yu well tehn i will try to mak u undrstnad bettr ok? :)
an i liek how u describ it s vry nice wird vbut nice thnk u 2 ameba.
I faved for the intense looking setup, but i dont understand this music very well without robot ears. It sounds sick though, like the feral screams of rusty, dilapidated machinery. That really subtle bass in the second part is nice and gritty
wow!! this is so unique! i absolutely love the really eerie sounding synth in this...its really cool with that slow beat. sort of like an electronic death march...*shudder*. and W O W O W O W that bass is SO crazy!! the growl do you make this??? insane insane insane...i love it love it love it! amazing work! :)