that bass melts my soul.

we started this
we never finished this
we will never finish this
so sad
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1 o rly
just published a lux collab
wut nao nigga
3 it's so amazing ;_; teach me lol
2 cuddlex knows lol
2 yeah that bass is solely mine haha
3 nah I'm pretty sure that's arons bass
3 how the hell did you make that bass holy fuck
0 emotional
0 Yeah he would make a melody but he left before he couuld :/
0 I don't often say this but I wish it was more melodic like your huge pad beauty and the beauty Luxior made in Maelstrom combined!
0 whoa XD
0 Oh ok!
0 Its perfectly on beat lol, there are just some variations in the drums
0 The basses are sick though!