
Make a good drop that's fully AT. (EX: No Serum!!!)



1st: Follow, Collab, 5 free growls

2nd: Collab, 3 free growls

3rd: Collab, 1 free growl


I'm too lazy to write out rules and such, so just go with it lol.


Due Date: Idk


You can also change the name of your track.

By free growls I mean I'll make you one, or 5. And they can be any kind of growl you want, just as long as I can create it.

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  • I will remix it for fun and because Im a bit bored, pls dont count as an entry, will probably be poop anyways

  • for some reason my laptop has been stuggling to run drafts that arent even that big and like i really wanna do this

    • mine doesnt show up as a remix for some reason so make sure to check mine out

    • nvm im making a phat drop rn

  • <looks at remixes

    <"the end for biden"

  • Ill join wth

    • lol now I know how to post the links with no privileges, but I'll respect it sorry

  • got a dope techno edit

  • also wondering if i can remix the intro too.

  • im gonna try something with this, this week.

    • also i dont rly want any free growls if i win. i wanna try to get better at making my own.

  • So, we need to do only the drop?

  • what the fuck do i get out of it lol

  • My entry is my second most recent track.

    I couldn't make it a remix. Sorry.

    • It did the same thing that happened to C3ln0ree, where it just didn't work at all. I managed to fix it, but I had to delete my remix. My computer is just a little weakling when it comes to actual project files.

    • Was it too laggy?

  • Whoa! This is super cool! Idk tho I'm not really good at all with dark music, but I'll try! :3

  • imma try to enter, however the intro alone is 10x the amount of effort i put into my whole songs, so i don't know if my smol computer can take it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I myself will be remixing this, but only for fun, I will not be entering. Cause we all know I'd get like last place. So I am doing so to not embarrass myself lol.

  • wen is dedline?