-Gravi's Thoughts: It's been far too long since I've made some Glitch-Hop and i wanted to do it BIG. With some great from additions from @MUDA , this is one my most diverse tracks in a while. Hope You Enjoy ^-^



-Chapter 7: "Lost Reality"

"I killed my Father..." This thought was repeatedly going through my mind, amongst other terrible things. My whole life, I've blamed my Dad and his absense for all the negativity that I've encountered. But in reality, it was all my fault. I was the reason he died, the reason my brother grew up with out a Father, the reason we felt so alone. My world began to unravel instantly. If I could go back to stop myself from running away, I'd do it a million times over to prevent myself from feeling the way I was at that moment. I really felt like a monster...and maybe I was one. Damien was gone and we headed towards the light in the distance in hopes of finally going home and confronting what remains of our Dad. This is where our Journey took a turn for the worst...


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  • desc ;-;

  • Sure! I appreciate all types of criticism. Good or Bad, it still helps in the long run. ^-^

  • thanks for taking it so well :) keep up your music! Its just not my taste but seems to please a lot of people

  • @eratekk "CouldBeANovel/10" Just made my day, lol! Thanks for the feedback, tho. ^-^

  • okay honest thoughts on this:

    Description: CouldBeANovel/10

    Music: IDontReallyLikeYourSoundManSorry/10

    that is just my personal taste in music. I never really liked this kind of washed out drums and super clean pianos and pads. But the way you arranged it is really nice

  • Only 4 more songs left in the Album!

  • Always a pleasure to listen to ur tracks man. U can give them so much feeling and depth.

  • cool concept! <3

  • The reverse effect on the synth in the beginning is on point!

    And you follow it up with some awesome piano: chords and melody.

    I feel like the piano in this track is what give it greater depth.

    Beautiful ^-^

  • @Zerod I'll invite you to the Chapter 10 draft after I get it started. You ok with doing dubstep again?

  • good job on this one.

  • You're the last person I wanna collab with.