Well, I republished so theres free download, but feel free to like here:

So yeah, long time, eh? Over a month since my last track... I've been just so lost with inspiration... But yeah, I finally got myself inspired enough to finish a draft.

Big thanks to Porter Robinson, Mord Fustang, Xavrockbeats and The Eden Project for inspiring me with your awesome music!

Now I know this isn't the best possible track to have as a comeback, but even with this draft I started to suffer with the lack of inspiration again, but thankfully I overcame that. Either way, I'm open for any suggestions, feedback and critics about this track. Keep em coming!

Yeah... that kid is lost in the woods I think...

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  • thx

  • I don't know what i didn't like before but this song wasn't enjoyable till now

  • WOW !

  • came here from youtube

  • Thx btw :)

  • Though I dont think Im good(some may say Im humble, but i call it insecurity), I guess you just gotta love what you do, have a passion to it and just spend plenty of time with it.

  • Thanks guys! Please listen to my new song as well

  • nice work very professional!

  • wow!!! So heavy!!

  • Long time, my friend! Brilliant track!

  • OMG! That must be one of the best compliments I've ever been told!! Thank you so much Dom Soth!

  • i was gone but ive seen random things off of audiotool

  • Sorry, your track name "I'm back" made me think you were gone :p Feel free to remove that spamforspam off of your wall.

  • ive already checked this our and i have put thoughts in