Probably the most effort I've ever put into a song yet. I'll submit it to Klub Affekt if it gets at least 10 comments or faves :) Enjoy

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  • Great Job - - - Nice Track!! Greetz from Germany

  • Dude this song kicks major ass!!

  • thx for 1000 plays!!!

  • sweet track, BD! love the progression in the beginning

  • the beat is very well done.

    all i advice it to sidechain the bass with the kick drum.

  • Submit this even if it doesnt get 10 faves. Worth a try, besides this is awesome!

  • Awesome track BallsDeep! :D Seriously one of the best I've heard for KA, love that bass!

  • The bass is insane:)

  • like it

  • love that bass! If I were you I would put chorus stereo enhancer, or the older stereo effect and make it even more massive!

  • Like!!!