I prefer the length =) Makes for good bus rides, I don't like all of the talking and traffic on them.

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0 Thanks to all Boys and Girls!! :)
0 I hear the wolves too. They're out there, somewhere, for sure. I love wolves and I love this track. It fits. It's too long though.
0 Is long.. but cool! I swear I can hear wolves howling, like the picture! heh :)
0 bellissima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 This has such a deep sound, i love tracks like this!! good work!! :)
0 re fav :) cmq mi piace che riesci a tirare fuori molto da pochi strumenti
0 neanche io mi ricordo molto dell'originale, però è veramente una bella traccia! Mi ricorda molto i Sigur Ros...lo so che sono un po' ripetitivo...grande Whitegrizzly!
0 i cannot recall but this is definitely different than the original release ...but excellent nonetheless :)
0 thought i already fav d this ??