Imagine a machine.


Imagine that this machine is the source of everything.


Imagine that there would not be anything without this machine.


Imagine that this machine is in charge of everything.


Imagine that there was only this machine.


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  • cant find any words :D just awesom!

    • you forgot the "e"

  • Minecraft...

  • been 9 years on at and still one of the best tbh

  • this is amazing, i love this

  • forever the greatest song on AT

  • i cry every time

  • I still am just amazed at this. Let's just ignore the technical aspect. If you remove that aspect entirely, you still are left with some of the best composition to even exist. Not just on Audiotool, but in the entire industry. It is perfectly tense, perfectly calm, perfectly interesting, perfectly full, perfectly long, etc. The sounds are beautiful in their mourning, beautiful in their sorrow, beautiful in their loneliness. I will love this song until the day I die.

    • that third sentence is so true though... over the years my attention shifted away from the technicalities of this and more to the feeling of astronomical lonesome this track radiates

  • this is still one of the best tracks on audiotool

    • There are less limits to AT now, so people don't feel the need to break them anymore.

    • If you think about it, producing on audiotool has gotten less and less creative with what you can do with its limitless possibilities, and people try way less. That's the majority of the people.

    • strongly agreed. especially for its time of release.

  • frigolito please just confess you're the guy behind this track already

  • Genuinely such a good track… Technical aspects aside…. So much soul here

    I can just melt away to this

  • what the actual fuck


    HOW is this a single 303

    I am in disbelief

  • Bro actually just how.

    The level of figuring how stuff worked out with delays and crap is LITERAL ROCKET SCIENCE

  • Genius


    • The sounds are coming from the delays.. If you slap enough of them on a sound, at the right bpm, you can make the delayed automation and note tracks come in 1 or so minutes later, as the main lead is still playing. It's really wacky, and I'm not quite sure how it works to the full extent. It's really cool though. You should study the draft, and maybe you'll figure it out for yourself xd

    • I know right same thing to me so I came here to check if I was wrong


  • i wish i knew who was behind this acc :/