Quick & Tiny

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  • lol

  • I tried pitching the buddy cop tv series idea to my wife for the track. I even acted out the role of each cop driving alone remembering flashbacks of busting crooks together. It didn't seem to help her appreciate the track more....

  • The more you know!....***STAR***

  • Reminds me of one of those "serious" educational videos from the 80's

  • This could fit a buddy cop tv series after they have a falling out and this starts playing while you watch each one drive and realize they can't fight crime alone.

  • nysh! :)

  • nice one arche

    agree with Eury, definitely has that 80's TV feel

  • nice one arche3.0 like the synth in the last peace make s me tink of maimi vice of the 80s

  • I love the retro feel. Great track! :)