This song wwas made to be on repeat like retro games

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  • I think I busted... This issoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fricken good

  • this is my peak when it comes to chiptune xDDDDDDDDDDD, i could never do something like this again

  • This one got me into chiptune

  • This ones one of my favorites since i've joined audiotool

  • This one had very strong melodies

  • After listening to this Idk how many times...

    • xDD love that so much ngl

    • It blended in so well ngl.

      And I'm naming a track the same name as this but with question marks bc it has so many motifs from this very track somehow...

    • I don't even remember adding that lmfaooo

    1 more
  • I shall eventually make some catchy chiptune like this one day...

  • bop

  • *sighs*

    Why is this so good...

  • I love the...


    actually I don't know what I like I LOVE THE WHOLE THING!

  • 3 minutes of this masterpiece

  • Me: Oh. Haven't listened to this in a while... *clicks play*

    Me 64 seconds later: I won't stop listening to this for a while...

  • @XyPhr (鏽) Bruuuuv you and this track how many times did you listen, did it ever get old xD

    • I can say I listened to it around like 50-70 times in the past month... XD

      And I wouldn't listen to it over and over again if it got old sir. XDD

    • Do I really need to explain myself??? XD

    2 more
  • I. Am. Insanely. Obsessed. With. This. Song.

    H E L P . M E .

    1 more
  • Why da hell is this so catchy???

    I seriously can't stop listening to it... qwp

    You've outdone yourself this time Cerix...

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