I found out how sidechain compressing works. I'm just letting you watch my learning process. I got some new combo's with the effects, I did some fx, I found that the exciter is very cool, I did a bigroom lead, and this has come. Enjoy and please comment!

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  • trending is nothing compared with where you will go with your music. ;)


  • You are getting rreally really good! :D

    I gave you a shoutout on my wall :P

  • wow! i love the ambiance you created!!! you are getting so good! the only thing is the beginning is too loud. you could have that bass with less lows and make it softer. other than that this is amazing! amazing amazing amazing.....amazing! amazing amazing? amazing. ;)

  • you've got a lot of talent !

    Do you know some of these synths and pedals in real because it seems to me like you can use them realy good ,

    or maby your just learn realy fast !