:D wow thanks man!

Audiotool was getting a little choppy so I'm not sure how this will sound. Give tips guys but don't be to Harsh XD
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0 -
0 the track is a best I've ever heard in my life
0 Yo soundz fresh I got some drumz I just did that might rock to this?
0 this is fuckin' dope.
0 pads are sick
0 A mysterious packet of ear candy.
0 YESS! Make more of this! this is what i like to hear, very mellow pad with that lo-fi feel.
0 The intro is fucking amazing, sweet fx's and soundscape, this is really nice work!
0 awesome!
0 love it bro :)
0 Republished
0 Republished
More stuff fixed
0 Gimme a minute guys...
0 Nahh I can hear it. This needs some minor eq'ing
0 Jk man, this is pretty good.