Dedicated to a special someone

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  • Working on the remix. Don't know when it will come out but it eventually will.

  • i know i said this sorta already but everytime i come back to this track it always brings me back to my childhood house when i was 9 years old browsing audiotool and my 2 brothers showing me cool things they find and make on audiotool liquid emotion just reminds me what audiotool is about ❤️

    • Sounds like it makes you feel at Peace..remembering the Good Times. Gotta love it..LOL Cool stuff. That must have been when AudioTool was HobNox AudioTool huh?

    • similar to how minecraft music makes people nostalgic this song gives me a nostalga trip of simpler times and blissful memories

  • Thinking about remixing this classic track for the 10 year anniversary...

    • yo I know it's past the 10 year anniversary mark now but if you're still thinking about the idea of doing it I'd love to help out, I can definitely see the vision for a more modern take here

    • THAT WOULD BE F***ING AMAZING (sorry for curse i just think that would be quite epic)

  • 10 Days Left

  • 14,000th view B)

  • I will never be this good

  • this is nostalgic for me

  • it also just brings out so much emotion in me, and makes me want to make music like this, to be able to did to me, almate. it makes me want to cry, laugh, smile, all at the same time. it makes me want to makes music just like this, music that can bring emotions out n people that i have felt. for this almate, you are my favorite artist on Audiotool, and i thank you so much for this and everything you do.

  • damn, to be able to have 2-3 melodies in one song and have on drum line that can be adjusted in the slightest ways to fit with each perfectly, without changing the drums too much for each melody.. ill never be able to do that, its just so impressive to me, and to all those others who suck at making any kind of drums and resorts to presets. this is one of the reasons i love this song so much.

  • i added all except the one of the last listens xDDDD

  • jezus everytime i listen to this.... i cant even explain. its literally liquid emotion. no joke intended. i just really love this so much for no reason. its just.. special to me. so thx almate, you are a genius! :)

    • i legit just got so excited sorry. xD


    • Thank you for the kind comment :)

      And go ahead and remix if you wanna!

    11 more
  • Remix of this classic is coming up soon

  • daMN...I could never get to do something like this

  • oh damn it's already 3 years old wtf