Very cool track man. Love the spacey sounds

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0 -
0 Unique! Ur music is deep!
0 Fantastica!!...........Ammiro la tua fantasia!! :)
0 nice!!
0 mysterious and fascinating track!
0 Lovely piece, drone, exotic, I'd say, N1m8:)!
0 hah SBD! this "like Saturn" comes from (like 99% of my titles) something i've been reading. (link is only visible to registered users)
0 Wow i have been working on a spaced themed track....nowhere as good as this
0 What's up my brother? hope U are well
0 oh man I'm feeling a rap remix I gotta rememeber to work with this track it's too awesome not be used as rap material! Love that crusher usage
0 love your construction and the way you salt the bass - wonderful track :)