this should be my top track js

Give the whole track a listen if you have time, I believe it's worth it.
Inspired by some recent trips.
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0 -
0 I don't feel it... Sorry
1 I don't know what my problem was with this track when it was published, but now I can't get enough
0 probably my best track tbh
2 holy wow i’m sorry i missed this
2 str8 buttaaaa
2 I'm loving this beat dude. Vibes
0 (link is only visible to registered users) music video for this track. Nothing MASSIVE but its p damn trippy...
0 REALLY nice composition, but I feel like the synths could benefit from some distortion of some kind (I obviously don't know what the hell I'm saying, but I know what I mean) 'cause they just seem kind of week in the intro
1 Republished
increased snare volume
1 I love the instrumentation! I just kind of wish that snare was a few dB louder.
0 noice
1 02:05 pls and thank you
0 bumping this cos i acc like it
0 Those chords are smooth.