forgive my few minutes load samples was being a bitch

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  • the formants are real

  • i was really lacking on this one bois. highs are phukin loud, intro missing sub, pre-drop sub too loud, reverb gets metallic by the end of the buildup, and the drop is clipping. feel free to name more

  • Oh shidted

  • holy shit what

    • i would love to fw it but even my good computer couldn't run this

  • 1 months ago? sounds like its 6 months ago

  • holy... crap... how tf am i not following you xD

    • pls end my life

    • I think you scared him away...

      Ngl you put up quite an offer. His loss I guess.

      By all means let me take his place. However I only masturbate once every full moon, so we have to time it perfectly.

    2 more
  • I sense a great disturbance in the force.

  • lyrics: yoy yoay yoawaowa yoawaowa yoawaowa wap yoy yoay yoawaowa yoawaowa yoawaowa

  • Wot


  • hope this places but im kind of cringing

  • whoa

    nice lobsta

  • Republished

    oh what the fuck i thought i shortened it