I ran out of space for this, it was lagging crazy, big thanks to Frigolito for an amazing flute synth and arche for the strings preset I used.

For Lazarus

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  • Sometimes I completely miss things... Like this.

  • Wow this sounds like it came from the TRON-soundtrack ;) superb stuff man! grts

  • the low tom will have bean great to add no? it's amazing very inspiring ....

  • Wow, this sound freakin amazing.. These sounds are powerful bro.. Excellent song bro.. and thanks for the download.. }=)

  • Jealous of you for having an insane computer; mine freezes up with a tenth of the complexity of this

    great track, the arps are really cool

  • G1m8:)!

  • Very good.

  • Reminds me of Lady Hawk :)

  • wonderful elements and sound - love it :)