Very nice !

- unmixed
- what genre is this ?
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0 -
0 400! 🥳
0 this brings back memories fr
0 been listening since it came out lol
0 wtf woah i bet your computer didnt even lag like
you make such masterpieces from barely anything wtf
0 this is a BANGERRR
0 This wow I love it Tell me what I should do I'm thinking of making music on here so!
0 Bruv you still can't finish after a year? Sounds very cool!
0 this is like future lofi or some shit
2 im listening this for about a year ;-;
[a comment downvoted by multiple users] 0 1:35 ? dude... thats from a deleted song me and vulkron did a while back lmaoooooooooo
1 the melodies in the intro remind me so much of animal crossing
god this song is so relaxing ahhh
1 honest question why the fuck haven't u sent this to a label???
1 forgot about this, im sorry
1 goddamn this is solid