When we come down to the end of our short lived days its never enough and for some its too much. Some too short, but for most not long enough.

Track Creation: I really really enjoyed making this and surprisingly it only took a few short hours. Most of the time was spent making piano parts, 4 (in 4 octaves) in all but 3 main ones. When I was making this I worked alot on thinking compositionally ( Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) with moving lines (one going up, and down/ counterpoints) obviously this repeats to much to be a full compositional work but Im just flexing my ideas to my greatest extent.

This song is one of my favotites because of the amount of emotion in it and its beauty. the "chorus" or loud points in this werent what IO was excpecting and thats my only gripe about this. Please comment and tell me what oyu think! :) Enjoy

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  • A true work of art.

  • me track of the week

  • thank youu guys sooo much it means alot!!


  • You're always making really happy stuff, itd be interesting to hear you write something sad. This is very good though, that piano break is beautiful. It's a hopeful song. Good job :)

  • Woah it clean and not elctro lol anyways this is amazing now did you write the piano part?

  • this is awesome dei! the piano is amazing! :D

  • very nice my friend! I love the complexity of melody and I must agree with Joel, it sounds like a fantasy song that brings you to another world :-)

  • Alright confession time, I don't play piano like at all hahaha though you'd think so haha thank you all for your awesome comments!!! :)

  • Wow that piano melody is HUGE man! I'm with jace this is my fav of yours :o Do you play piano?

  • Entertaining melody and clean sounds. Very nice!

  • Beautiful track.

  • I got a similar track with some trumpet sounds and I'm in the middle of adding a piano, but its so hard for me to make up my mind about what would really make it amazing.. ya know..

  • This is Beautiful.... Really Beautiful.. I can't believe it's seven minutes.. I'm already halfway through and It doesn't feel that long.. Great track Dei Servus.. }=) if you ever wanna post a track on my wall feel free..

  • Now I personally think the beginning would sound better if the synth that begins at :16 was more clean, maybe a diff waveform or less res. or something.

    And I think that around 1:54 you should turn down the trumpet synth and the other synth i was talking about, let the piano shine through so it doesn't sound as muddy.

    Besides that, it's a very heartfelt track and I enjoyed it! No doubt I'll be coming back to listen to this. Good work!

  • Nice work! piano sounds so grant! this, this is the bee's knees, it's the cat's meow, it's... it's friken' beautiful! love the transitions, very well done, good sir.