gonna be releasing this on the Ravens Crew x The Foundation album which will release about 2-3 months from now on Soundcloud :o

but since 2-3 months is a really long time from now, I thought I'd release this early :)

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  • dsmlv/fndbgeifwuhadijpsXM;z /cmxz,.bmdfagjlknf;aoisxM Zjlcx.kn,dfkj;iosjcidznljx .kmdbg.kj;ioufs'ascpjONXJ>zkc xvh,bxdnm

  • im gonna rmx this soon enough ccccc:

  • Would love to hear smthing besides the sub in drop...and i get what ur going for, i just think u could add smthing a little more wonky here and there..

    • lol everyone has their personally tastes :)

    • Please do..haha...

      And i totally get what ur saying, just, imo ONLY sub and atmo dont rlly cut it..just my opinion..lol

    • I see what you mean, I was just going for a deep and subby style drop so yea, I could've added some more wonk in the drop, but it would've kinda ruined the idea of a "deep bassy" drop if you know what I mean. But maybe I'll make a VIP one day and I'll add some more depth :)

  • Republished

    Full version now available!

  • Is this going on the new compilation album for Ravens Crew?

    • not completely done but almost there ;)

    • lol sure is

    • oh nvm just read the desc

  • Republished

    so i meant to make this a remix but screwed up and now thire is no (clip) version, so rn im just trying ti finish this up and if the tracks not complete as of your listen then dont worry, im almost done ;)

  • the breaks are great. good detail

  • Sick!

    Dubloadz Vibes

  • You fucking animal!!!

    • ;)

    • Well... I have been educated! My kids will know your name! xD stay tuned for some shit from me! Check out my recent track if you dare ;)

    • Step 1: Listen to Peekaboo

      Step 2: Get overwhelmingly inspired

      Step 3: Attempt to make Freeform Bass

      Step 4: Fail miserably

      Step 5: Just give up and turn it into riddim

      Step 6: Watch your track actually turn into something decent

      Step 7: Publish and pray you don’t get hate

      I have taught you the ways of Master Plobbs, use your new found education and make some underwhelming riddim drops lelel

    2 more
  • i need to stop using so many samples rip

    • No reason not to. It's not like the old AT when you actually got shit for using more than like five different samples.

  • sick g, the drop was suprising


    1 more
  • Huuuuuuuh

  • Bruh