You're use of bassline in "story of a lost world" inspired me to experiment with it. Never got a good feeling handeling it but you made it sound big and showed the potential. Thanks
This is a little bit different from the typical sound design I usually hear in techno. I am not an expert in this genre though. But I think you really got the idea with a raw sound design and repetition, so I find it very interesting and enjoyable to listen to :)
@sea foam and the wind
nice you listened so many times to the track and that you enjoyed it! I limited myself by using one synth of each and I did it quick so that it would not me to long. Sometime I lose the connection to what I make because I just keep adding ideas and synths and in the end I got stuck how to go further. With this direction I hope to maintain a good flow i'm surely no expert in this genre to. Thanks for you're feedback :~)