The mixing is a bit fucked so ehh. I'm just fucking around with the effects n shit.

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  • the mix is still ear piercing lol

  • i thought i added this in my albums blagh

  • looking back at this i realized this actually does sound like something voyd would make

    the intro, the filter, the background sounds, the drums (especially the hi-hats), and even the freaking draft itself screams voyd (if his drafts were a bit larger) in an uncanny way and now listening to this again really got me groovin more than before when i first listened to this lol

    • they all win xd

    • what about the house tracks that sound like roy?

    • looking at back at ur other music, i'd say probably so? idk, but this is just the track that hecking won the "attempting at voyd" style

      a track I would definitely listen to constantly over and over again like I do with most of voyd's tracks lol

    1 more
  • my subwoofer is dancing

    so so so so so good

  • This has to be your very first track which sounds complete VOYD.

    If I wouldn't see who made it I would be 100% sure it is Voyd.

  • bruh, the mixing is actually what makes it fire

  • wha


  • Yo Roy, You're onto something.... I Can see it but I need to see more. Lets see how you polish this idea.