Found these cool vocals in the library. thanks mate

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  • Has an 80's movie feeling vibe going on. Neat!

  • This has a pretty alternative sound, great job:~)

  • super!!!

  • good good good since its 5/4 sounds kinda quirky

  • Very nice !

  • lol this is why I leave all of my stuff open to the community

    • Your samples are always safe because each track with them in it will automatically become a Naswalt track

  • super cool! awesome work!

  • Great track! The intro is challenging, but once the lyrics start, the meter becomes clearer. The percussion turnarounds just before each "10th" beat are very satisfying. Also, your production is superb, as usual.

  • On my declipping crusade I killed it‘s depth

  • Very cool! Interestingly, this sounds more like 2/4 time with periods of 5 bars as opposed to a time signature of 5/4.

  • Republished

    length, declipping.

  • Wow! This fits so well with the vocals!

  • Damn, I thought I was original by having two melodies and using more then three effects, but then I look at you and you just somehow made a song of fourth and fifth time, and still made it sound good.

  • 22. seconds too long. Damn