can you change it too were we can download the song??
Based off the incredible Mirror's Edge soundtrack by Solar Fields.
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0 -
0 This is incredible man, why i didnt listen at publish is beyond me. Im assumin you took a fair bit of inspiration from Sol by Solar fields ;)
0 probably the best song ive ever heard on here
0 Something this good has to be the work of the devil.
0 Amazing :O
0 Amazing, it definitely has that blood rush feeling to it!
3 mirrors edge :O
1 You should do some Crystal Method-y stuff. Have you heard of them?
1 Way too cool. Omg :D
0 i can't
0 Duuuude. Mirror's Edge is one of my favorite games ever, and you nailed the style down perfectly. Maybe EA should get you for the sequel since SF hasn't been announced as returning :P
Incredible work, yo.
0 Massive!
0 This is one of your best
0 powerful.
0 dem highpassed synths.