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0 -
1 the percussion on this is impressive. Love the bass as well
1 oh
4 That intro is flames
The bass is nuclear
Whole track is sun
1 damnnnn this bass doe
5 Farting to make tracks is no good, but this is an exception.
1 You spelled fire wrong btw
1 nice dry bass, cool atmospheric sounds
3 nice, but short :)
1 oh fuck :S
0 Depresso <<< i used to only use samples but i am self teaching myself so here is one of my no sample attempts. Give me some constructive criticism?
0 So, you need to remix this with some fire lyrics over it and maybe add a minute to it to let that dope bass sink in a little more. Its So Freakin Dope!
2 /!\ D O P E T R A C K /!\
T O O S H O R T E X T E N D D A T S H I T D V D E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
2 bass work A1 as shit
2 ily