someone with actual music production skill explain whats goin on all i know is the polarity of the audio causes it to be cut off

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  • you probably flipped the phase on the right/left channel 90 degrees - that makes whatever audio that goes through completely side information

    • Surround sound systems are typically not 3D, but create a circle of sound around the listener on a 2dimensional plane (depth and width, but no height).

      Don't get me started on "surround sound headphones".

      I wrote a paper on immersive audio for my undergraduate thesis, and am studying ambisonics (a form of 3D sound) for my masters.

    • Quick correction - it would be a 180degree polarity flip.

      As for 2D Vs 3D sound - sound around us is in 3D. When played back, it depends on our monitoring system and how it's mixed as to how we perceive it.

      If there are no speakers above/below, we cannot truly hear music (for example) in 3 dimensions. Psychoacoustics can be applied to the audio to trick our brains into thinking we hear something above or below, however. This is utilised a lot in game audio in particular.

    • I mean, music is kinda 3d, or rather can be. You just need more speakers. You could make something very similar to 3d on headphones, but it'd be a bit tricky. Stereo info on closed back headphones is kinda eh

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