I have friends in Louisiana. The year 2020 was particularly challenging for them, as hurricanes struck with great force and frequency. After receiving their approval, I endeavored to set their words to music, drawn from our lengthy phone calls and emails. Through this process, I hope to give voice to those who have persevered amidst significant losses and continue to hold onto hope in their hearts.


Vocal and guitar recordings (hidden samples)


I feel it, even in times of trouble.

Beating of invisible drums.

Nothing can be lost or vanish away

and we are hints of a great big mistery

This space, my little frontier,

needs the new breathing of your wonderful wit

Babylon has been built for a pleasure that I can't understand,

no apology

I'm awake,

waiting for you by the river.

Writing questions on an old worn page.

Timeless, in a cage of raindrops,

but here is my soul, after the storm.

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