R.I.P Chester Bennington 20-03-1976 - 20-05-2017

I've Decided to make this my 50 followers remix comp

rules are simple use this cover of numb to make something new feel free to add lyrics or make dub or dnb , house whatever just make it unique

You've got till April 1st peeps

Cover Credit:

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  • Ok this is CLOSED NOW the winner was @deeplux & @VIOK is second even tho its unfinished and im 3rd xD sad when you make a remix cuz your bored and it comes 3rd in your own comp cuz no one else entered xD

  • Time to remix. Wish me luck!!!

  • yo people you've got less than a month now on this

    (don't be afraid to enter even if your a noob i'll be judging how much effort you've put into the song not necessarily if it sounds the best so i'll be listening to a few of your other songs and basing my judgement on how good you can be vs how good your remix is so everyone has an equal chance of winning)

  • lmao is that skellix

    4 more
  • yes

  • Fun fact: one of my fav. songs when i was a kid

  • K I'll do it Thursday fs

  • Don't worry u will u wanna collab soon

    • yeah man send me an invite I keep getting loads while i'm inactive and they get buried pretty quick xD

  • This better chart

    • doubt it i've never charted at all xD