This was my first attempt at future bounce, I worked on this for HOURS a week or two ago and got stuck. I tried to figure out the sound design of the drop, and I feel like I only partially got there. I'll probably come back to it to try again here and there, but for now I'm publishing it so that maybe I could get some guidance.
The intro is real nice. Could use an overall edit on the master. Each device needs it's own eq to find it's place in the mix. Design is cool as hell. This is really cool stuff!
Glad you like it. I put in the notes randomly just to show what I mean.
I really like to go on with the remix. But I have to do it at work during my breaks. My pc and internetconnection at home can't handle this giant draft.
Hey if you keep at it, you can get there someday! I'm still a long way to go from being professional lol but if you have the passion and dedication, you can definitely get farther if you want to. I've advanced to where I am now because I've been gradually working on myself for at least four years :)