we should probably finish this at some point

i wish we could have finished it :c, my computer could not handle the beauty that is Dollavix, I'm Sorry Dolli bby :c, (im keeping the draft, just incase i get a better computer) my comp was way too laggy too finish
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0 -
0 I like how it just cuts off
0 swag
0 ;-;
1 Needs more dubstep sounds.
3 wôöōõh
0 Melodic Dubstep?
0 Hey, I can finish this now :3
Finally got something that can handle this :D
0 refav
0 this is ballin af
0 Wait you gave me ketchup XD
this song is transformer porn wtf XD
jks love it bbe <3
2 *gives you lube* make it ha;ppen :3
0 What method of insertion can i insert the title with?
0 XD