Sweet, on point bass work !

Dunno what this is, finish it
Got a proper track on the way tho
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0 Yeah its not even my bass its by Leaporditus or something like that haha
0 That bass is excellent dude!
1 Haha yeah literally, getting a small portion done is good, then I get too excited and publish haha.
3 seems like someone has come down with cuddlex syndrome cx
2 Heh, never have enough claps
1 (cuddlex meme here)
0 it's not even a snare but, like, you know what i mean
0 that arp is good, and so is that snare omg
0 cccccccccccccc:
0 aww yiss
0 crab man
2 Wait I fucked up Keep and Calm doesnt even make sense