
for a client.
some dark stuff i dont usually do, hopefully this isnt a shock to some people xD
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1 that kick said "i've had enough!" nd slammed the door on the way out
1 Damn, is u mad or is u angry!? Haha
2 you didn't have to do this to them, they wasn't ready
1 Crazy
1 Great no not GReat .......AWeSoME STUFF Br0 GonNa mAke ChaRTs dUDe (no legit{Hope it does also, this could be on monster vibes check his vids out}})
2 Them kicks tho
3 omfg!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 can i use this
0 if u like th check ouy my song called grief
1 oooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfffffffffffffffffffffffff this is soooh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhottttttttttttttttttttttttt
2 This is hella nice, but turn the 808 up, the kick overpowers it. You could also maybe add some background noise
1 nice playful kicks