After escaping the wrath of Sundream Cor Caroli, Onei ends up back in the physical plane once again, but it's not over yet. Odera, reflecting the will of Cor Caroli, will not let him escape on his watch. Odera transforms into his Moondream form to stop Onei once and for all.

This is a representation of the resolve of the highly eccentric, yet righteous being - Odera. Odera isn't very respected by the beings of the astral plane. It is likely due to rumors of him originating from the physical plane. Despite how resented he may be, Odera still upholds his duties in the astral plane, and he will not let the others' thoughts of him affect his loyalty to Cor Caroli and the astral plane... But is this truly what he wants?

Moondream Odera still fights with a balanced style, albeit much more powerful than before. He creates and hurls larger celestial objects at Onei like moons and large planets, and uses stronger physical concepts as his abilities to upset Onei's advances.

(I'm not yet sure what Moondream Odera would look like exactly, but I imagine him with whites, grays, and dark blues, and a better extension of his normal form. This form would be Odera achieving that "cool" look that he failed to in his normal form.)


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  • This gives me an undertale vibe smh

    • Another thing, this sounds almost exactly like moonsong from cave story, but it wasn't intentional because I made this before I played it lmao

    • Yup i hear it now.

    • 1:55 was inspired directly by papyrus's theme

  • Bro wtf you releasing more game stuff without telling ne when this shit is good af

  • this is the best one

  • At this point I can tell the connections between the tracks and story, and the fact that there is even is one deserves a major pat on the back. I would without a doubt pay for this album. This track un particular has some sick solo melodies in it too like fr amazing